by Frank Forthright

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My name is Frank Forthright. I'm known as the Cyber Caveman. Some people think because I'm a Cyber Caveman I'm out of touch with the rest of the modern world. Nothing could be further from the truth. Cyber Cavemen are blessed with one of the most important social flaws a man can have; we don't feel obligated to take what others tell us as the gospel truth regardless of the person's social economic standing, religious beliefs or political party. PC mean Political Crap to us not Political Correctness. This so called flaw comes from years of living in a CyberCave. If you have never met a CyberCaveman or lived in a CyberCave then you will struggle to understand us. Our social skills will appear to be base at best and even downright ignorant at times. After spending a little time in my Cyber Cave you will soon come around to my way of thinking. I believe that fear of what other men think is the prison that holds men in cages of mediocre conformity; making them average men in every way. Pray the day comes that you too are declared a Cyber Caveman. Then you will find true freedom from a robotic life absent of volition.